Antisemitism in Fascist Italy Reading List

Dr. Bruce Strang is author of On the Fiery March: Mussolini Prepares for War and the editor of Collision of Empires: Italy’s Invasion of Ethiopia and its International Impact. He also writes on British and Italian international relations before the Second World War. He is currently writing a book on Italian post-war political and economic reconstruction in the De Gasperi era. He is a Professor in the Department of History at Brandon University and is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society. He lives in Brandon, MB, Canada with his partner, Nancy Hennen, and his sons Sean and Marc.


The Reading Links for Dr. Strang’s workshop can be found below. Are all open access articles.

  1. European Holocaust Research Infrastructure.

Anti-Jewish Legislation and Persecution of the Jews in Western Nazi Occupied Europe: some examples – The Persecution of the Italian Jews under Fascist rule

  1. Peter Engill Brownfield, The Italian Holocaust: The Story of an Assimilated Jewish Community. American Council for Judaism, Fall 2003.